Vincent Dubuc-CusickVincent Dubuc-Cusick practises within our group as a business immigration lawyer. Known for his strong work ethic and eagerness to serve our clients, he develops creative strategies related to work permis, permanent residence applications, and family reunification procedures. Having previously practised business law, he uses his experience to serve companies and individuals, with the goal of helping our clients and their employees settle in Quebec or in other Canadian provinces. Vincent also practises American immigration law, with the assistance of our legal counsel Mr. Charles Leamy.
Vincent also practices sports law, where he offers his services to both athletes and federations, through various judicial bodies in the field of sports. Versatile, he works on issues ranging from doping and harassment to athlete contracts and national selection. A law graduate from the Université de Montréal, Vincent became a member of the Barreau du Québec in 2018. He also offers pro bono services to several organizations, which includes corporate governance for the Groupe Copley World Triathlon, and also works for the Tente juridique, a mentoring organization for university students that is part of Justice Pro Bono Québec. Perfectly fluent in English and French, Vincent Dubuc-Cusick practises law in both languages. Education
MédiasPour la création d’un Tribunal du sport du Québec - Opinion letter in La Presse
Suivi dans le dossier Unigym vs l'entraîneur suspendu. - Interview with 104.7 Vers un Tribunal du Sport au Québec : une proposition d’équité et de transparence - Interview with Radio-Canada |